Sunday 8 March 2015

What's it all about anyway?

I've been thinking a lot since the idea of this site popped into my head about the why of it all...I think part of it is the polished perfection that we often see (or perceive) via the social media lenses we interact with - be that Facebook, Pinterest, blogs, whatever.

Obviously people tend to post the good stuff, the shiny stuff, what they either want others to see, or feel as though they ought to be showing of themselves/their family life.

But, actually, is some of this 'editing' really unhelpful? In presenting only the good and the shiny, are we making other people - often people we care deeply for - feel less good about themselves by comparison?

Facebook - to pick the most obvious example - is not necessarily the place to reveal our vulnerability, or ask for help if we are struggling.

In our busy busy lives, juggling full or part time jobs (possibly), children (more than likely if you are reading this), other family commitments and very occasionally a little 'me time' there is less and less opportunity for really connecting with our friends - the ones who really get us, and will have our backs in time of need.

But isn't that what 'social media' could give us? A place to connect when we can't physically be there? A support network of people who know and care about you, but who live too far away to pop round with a hug or a tub of Haagen Dazs in time of need?

So that was the general idea - to see if such a place is worth building - or is it just a whim on my part?

Thus far my tech skills have proven pretty woeful - and most consist of Googling to find out how to build a rudimentary site...but if any of this actually does take off then who knows, I may bribe Mr T to help me make it all prettier/work better. But for now, it's not shiny, but it's good enough!

Also, I would really welcome anyone wanting to write a guest post for the blog - it's not all about me, after all, anything relating to family/parenting is fair game.

E x

Friday 6 March 2015

A new project

So, this is just a 'newborn' idea: what if there was an 'other' space for us - friends, parents - to connect, share, empathise, let off steam, catch up, shoot the breeze...but in a more private environment than good ol' 'everyone can see me' Facebook, or impersonal Mumsnet. Share those kid-related updates without fear of boring all your child-free friends, vent about your shitty day without the whole family listening in, share the tough battles and get some support back, without fear of being judgey judgey judged, and found wanting...

Because, oh boy, parenting is HARD. I'm tired, and it's HARD. Am I doing this right? Are other people's kids this whiny? Are other people's houses this messy? Am I really giving them pasta and peas for tea AGAIN? Will they notice at work that I'm basically asleep with my eyes open (again)...

Because yes, of course they are beautiful, and funny, and when they sleep they look like angels...but it's SUCH. HARD. WORK...

And the challenges just get different, not easier.

So if this works out then great, and if not, well I had fun tinkering around and finding out how to build this site!

Thanks for stopping by
